1. TOUR: Parents or caregivers must attend a campus tour.
2. APPLICATION: A complete application must be filled out.
This includes:
a. $150.00 non-refundable, non-transferable Application Fee
b. Grades Application completed and executed by both parents/legal guardians
c. Student Section of Application for Grades 2 - 8 completed by incoming student
d. Transcript Request Form (from current school), if applicable
e. Administrative Recommendation (from current school), if applicable
f. Elementary Teacher Recommendation (from current school), if applicable
g. Immunization records, as required by California State Law
h. If applying for tuition assistance**, the tuition assistance application must be submitted online at:
**Westside Waldorf School makes Tuition Assistance grants available for students Nursery thru Grade 8. The Tuition Assistance Committee reviews all applications to determine eligibility and the amount of each grant. This is done on a first-come, first-served basis, until all budgeted funds have been distributed.
3. PARENT MEETING: Teachers will meet with all applicant families, as part of our application process. In order to schedule a Grades parent meeting, the School must have received a fully-executed and completed Grades application, which includes responses from the child’s current and previous school(s) and teacher(s), as well as immunization and tuition assistance (if applicable) documents.
After all the above-mentioned documents have been received, the family will be contacted to arrange:
a. A 3-day class visit for the applicant.
b. A meeting with members of the Grades Acceptance Committee and Class Teacher. The meeting will take place on the last day of the child’s visit with the parents/legal guardians.
4. REGISTRATION AND ACCEPTANCE: If the child is accepted, the parents/legal guardians will receive a Student Enrollment Agreement via e-mail, which must be completed and submitted each individual parent/legal guardian to the Admissions Office by the due date stated on the acceptance letter, together with the required Tuition Deposit, a copy of a birth certificate, and any additional required documentation.
5. ENROLLMENT will be considered complete once we receive all the above.
Westside Waldorf School admits students of any race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion in the administration of its educational programs, admission and tuition assistance policies, and other school administered program.