Early Childhood Application

Please thoughtfully fill out and submit the application below to begin the admissions process.

Questions? Please reach out to our Admissions team at 310-454-7064 x. 1 or admissions@wswaldorf.org. 

Early Childhood Application


Applicant Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Attach up to 1 file with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
All EC classes are being housed at our Santa Monica campus due to fire damage in the Palisades.
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Tuition Assistance (TA)requiredThe TA process is confidential between the family and the TA committee.
The TA process is confidential between the family and the TA committee.
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Students are eligible to begin the nursery program at 2 years 6 months and must be toilet trained. (Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)
Please include any drop-off program your child is or has been enrolled in (daycare, school, etc.)
Years Attended
Parent/Legal Guardian 1 Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Legal Guardian 2 Namerequiredindicate n/a if single parent household
First Name
Last Name
indicate n/a if single parent household
Leave blank if same as Parent 1
Sibling 1 Name
First Name
Last Name
Sibling 2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Are you applying to WWS for any of the above siblings?
Please tell us more about your family:
I.e. serving on committees, being a class representative, volunteering at school functions
The $150 application fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable and required for each applicant.

Payment Information

Provide an email address for the receipt.

Please complete captcha below to proceed to payment selection.

Please select a payment typerequired
Billing Addressrequired
Cardholder Namerequired